

22 Dec 2015


If people's opinions are based on the first 5 seconds of meeting you, what do you think your style says about you as an artist?
From looking at me for 5 seconds, people could divulge that my artwork is brightly coloured, in your face, full of pattern, whimsical and very unique. It's not like anything else!

How would negative comments towards your self-formed style affect you now compared to 10 years ago? 
10 years ago I would have cried myself to sleep if someone picked on me (as they all did…buttholes)…but now I don't care and would tell them where to go! I am confident in what I wear and enjoy shocking and thrilling people with my weird outfits.

Would your style alter if you suddenly came into great fortune? 
No. If I won the lottery I wouldn't just start buying expensive clothing brands just because I could. I find people who wear those brands are superficial boring wankers. I am attracted to colour, pattern, the unusual and the exciting not by what money can buy.

Do you dress for yourself, others or the occasion? 
I feel I dress for myself. I don't really care what people think… I just wear what I want. My clothing is always based on my mood.. so one day ill be wearing bold bubbly colours loving life and the next day I will be fully in black …hating on everyone haha. If I have to dress for an occasion I will always twist it to my liking.  

Would you feel comfortable allowing someone to choose every outfit you wore for two consecutive weeks? Why?

I would love someone to do this to me!. I think it would be fun…almost like a live performance artwork. I would be interested to see what the person would dress me in and why. Even if I didn't like the clothes I would have a laugh wearing them anyway.

INSTAGRAM: rubypilven_ceramics

21 Dec 2015


What inspires your main & most obvious output of creativity (design)? Does the same inspiration also influence your wardrobe choices?

I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by creativity everyday. My job, my friends, my family, my social life and my leisure time all revolve around creativity. All these aspects of my life inspire me and influence the way I go about developing designs and art. The clothes I wear are an extension of how I express myself creatively. I’m drawn to the same shapes, patterns and colours in clothes as I am in graphic design.

Do you believe in 'dressing to your body type'?

I believe in dressing for me. The shapes and features of a human body shouldn’t prevent someone from wearing whatever they want and however they want to express themselves through style and fashion. I treat the way I style and dress myself like an extension of my personality, so when I choose an outfit I make sure I feel confident and comfortable.

Have you observed any changes to your style as you age?

As I’ve grown older, I’ve definitely noticed my style changing and maturing. I’m more confident about what designs, shapes and colours I like and look best on me; I wear a lot of different styles and brands; I’ve learnt how to blend both corporate and fun clothes together for work; and I’ve begun a collection of really beautiful pieces that I can cherish for a long time. 

If you could only dress in shades of one colour for the rest of your life, which would it be?
It would absolutely have to be pink! Ever since I can remember Ive enjoyed wearing pink and having pink around me.  As Ive gotten older, Ive become more experimental with the shades of pink I wear sometimes Ill veer towards apricot and other times Ill veer more towards lilac. Whenever I wear pink I feel like myself, so on most days I have a splash of pink somewhere (or everywhere) on my outfit.

How does your style change during the highs and lows of creativity?

Whenever I’m feeling a little run-dry of creativity, I often, subconsciously, show it though my hair. If my hair is coloured I am usually charged up and full of ideas. If my hair is kept blonde I need a creativity boost. This is a crazy, but completely legitimate theory, as I’ve noticed this pattern for a while. 

Instagram: OLIVIA_GATT

20 Dec 2015


Shirt - GORMAN  ::  Shirt (underneath) - OP SHOP  ::  Jeans - NEUW  ::  Socks - COTTON ON  :: 
Shoes - GORMAN  ::  Earrings - ONO

18 Dec 2015


 If you came into great fortune, how would your personal style alter?
 I would only wear $6000 Chanel jackets everywhere. What I wear is the result of a lifetime of poverty.

What colour palette / textiles / shapes are you drawn to naturally? Do they suit you?
 I just work with what I can find and what's available. Usually in op shops you can get lots of oversized check shirts and maybe some old sports jackets. Whether they suit me or not I'm not sure.

Whose style from the past do you most admire?
 Russell Crowe in Romper Stomper. I should add, I only like his clothing style, not his Neo Nazi value system and tendency to terrorise Asian people.

  Do you find that you gravitate towards people who have a similar dress sense as yourself?
 I judge males and females on what they wear in the first 5 seconds. If I don't like your footwear we will never be friends.

 How has your style developed and how do you see it changing in the future?
 When I start going bald I'm going to shave my head and go more Punk. Real punks would hate to read that but oh well. They probably won't be reading this. They're probably hocking a loogie in an alleyway or something.

16 Dec 2015


 What do you think helped your younger self to identify what you like as opposed to what others liked?
My parents are ridiculously fab and I never felt constrained to be or dress like anyone else as I was growing up. Their freedom in allowing me to develop my own life has definitely helped me to discern my own style as opposed to just following the crowds. I remember being about ten years old and wandering through Target with my mum. I’d decided I wanted to dress from the boy’s section – denying conservative social expectations. I think that I just wanted to be different, maybe it was my way of rebelling and I don’t think much has changed.

How does your style change during the highs and lows of creativity?
The way I dress definitely is an honest reflection of me – and is a result of the direct relationship with my work. If I am working on a brief that is less than inspiring or has a dull colour palette I find myself dressing in a significantly more boring way. But if I am completely content, working on something that excites me ill dress quite freely and exuberantly I suppose. I’m very aware of how my entire life is connected to my work. Whether that is a good thing or not I’m yet to work that out.

If you came into great fortune, how would your personal style alter?
I don’t think my personal style would alter greatly, I think I would perhaps just be slightly fancier in my same colourful, fun way. I think I’d buy a lot of Jenny Kee, Romance was Born pieces and an infinite supply of Base Range and Lonely Lingerie! Pretty underwear is necessary to my creative practice obviously!

Do you dress for yourself, others or the occasion?
I really hope I dress purely for myself but I am afraid that to some extent that is not always true. I know that sometimes if I’m dressing for a date I find myself dialling down the crazy, trying to make my outfit more palatable or something. When I catch myself doing that I am frustrated and annoyed with myself (strong, independent woman you know haha) Given the second date however, I’ll go out dressed in ugg boots and an 80s get-up if I feel like it and won’t think twice about it! You've gotta be yourself no matter what!

If you could only dress in shades of one colour for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Without a doubt, white - So ridiculously fancy and bogan at the same time!

Instagram: abbey_rich

Kari Lee McInneny-McRae

How do you find being a woman/man impacts the way you think about clothing?
  I really appreciate fashion and the beauty of a quality piece of clothing… I don’t think my gender should define that though.

Have you observed any changes to your style as you age?
Yep! I wear comfier clothes- fashion ain’t gotta be painful…

Does your style fluctuate during periods of creative experimentation, and those of more focused/deliberate output?
I’ve never really thought about this before… but I know I definitely dress in colours and patterns that resonate within my art at that time. I guess my creative brain gets a bit obsessed or fixated with a certain idea and I probably do show this in my clothing choices …

Would you feel comfortable allowing someone to choose every outfit you wore for two consecutive weeks? Why?
Probably not… because I’d feel like I was three and having my mum dress me again!

If you could only dress in shades of one colour for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Blue,  it’s the colour I’m most drawn to and the colour that makes me feel at ease. 

INSTAGRAM: @karileemm

8 Dec 2015


COTTON ON BODY bralet  ::  OP SHOP skirt ::  VINTAGE hat  :: KMART socks
MIISTA shoes

14 Nov 2015


If you couldn't express yourself creatively, how would this impact the way you dress?

Expressing myself creatively has many facets and one of them is fashion, but it so inherent in me I couldn’t imagine the kind of person I’d be without creative expression. I don’t think about fashion too seriously though and have a lot of fun wearing my clothes. The more time that I spend at my part time jobs wearing plain, practical clothes, the more eccentrically I will dress on my days off; full pink outfits, floral on floral print, crazy tights, weird layering, bigger jewelry. In the same way if I haven’t created art in a while, when I come to making something I have all of this inspiration and energy built up ready to flow out of me. I feel like I have this creative force and when it is restricted, it doesn’t fizzle out but instead it builds up until it's set free. It doesn’t grow though unless it is constantly given attention and love, like a child.

What inspires your style more profoundly, internal/external influences? 
My general style comes from external influences but what I wear day to day depends on what I am feeling internally. My grandmother was a fashion designer and works in high fashion and my mum is a graphic designer so they began my love of beautiful and interesting things from birth. I feel inspired by a myriad of things in my surrounding world from the very mundane to the extraordinarily complex and this filters into the art I make and the way I dress. I like the idea of a fusion of multiple styles and don’t feel limited to identify myself with one type of dressing. Maybe this comes from my deep love of travel and absorbing different cultures. After I have explored a new country I have so many images in my head and have absorbed so much it brings new energy to the way I dress and embellish.

How would negative comments towards your self-formed style affect you now compared to 10 years ago?
I am a lot stronger now than I was when I was 12. At that age you've experienced so little and are really growing into a very new form of yourself. It is harder than when you’re 22 to know what your body is about and how you can express yourself through clothing. But even from a young age I was always quite sure of what I liked and not easily swayed by what those around me did or wore. I may not have been doing or wearing what everyone else was but I could never mold to something that didn’t feel like me, I’ve always had that strong intuition. Over those 10 years I've finished school, travelled through 7 countries, had multiple jobs, graduated, fallen in love, had exhibitions and made a lot of artwork which have all influenced me and in turn the way i dress. I am more aware of what it is to be a woman, have had more time to experiment and collect clothes that feel good on me and have been looking at the world and people for a lot longer. I understand a fraction more of the world and a hell of a lot more about myself.

Do you believe in 'dressing to your body type'?
I believe in dressing in what makes you feel rad more than dressing to your body type. The idea that we have to dress to our body types has negative connotations as it encourages people, women especially, to assess what are their 'worst features' and hide them. There are definitely silhouettes that suit different bodies but I think it should come from your own intuition of what makes you feel the best about yourself rather than wanting to cover up and be ashamed of a part of your body. I like to think of getting dressed like making an artwork, it’s kind of like a spontaneous painting where you place things next to or on top of each other and see how they will sing. This obsession that our society has with body assessments and being concerned constantly with attractiveness just holds us back and gives us false ideals about where our value lies. My value is not in the clothes that I wear, clothes are for the most part an individual experience. It lies in what I create with my hands, how I use my mind, how I connect with other humans and the energy I put out into the world.

Would your style alter if you suddenly came into great fortune?
 I don’t think my style would change much and I wouldn’t start buying all the big brands just because I could but holy shit I would buy a lot more clothes, and SHOES. I think people can get a bit swept up into the cult of a hot brand and forget what makes the actual piece desirable to them as an individual. I pay more attention to texture, silhouette, colour, symbolism, comfort, print, cut and pattern than to the actual brand. I never leave the house without my fingers full of bling and some big earrings, particularly in favour of sassy hoops. Oh and I do love a good trawl through the op-shop, I don’t think that would change if my bank account was fuller, plus its not as harsh on the environment! 

Instagram: @catecoogowers

13 Nov 2015


Shirt - OP SHOP   ::   Lace Top - OP SHOP  ::    Skirt  - TOPSHOP   ::  Socks  - GORMAN
Shoes - MIISTA   ::  Hat - OP SHOP